Tone & Texture
SkinTyte™ is a non-invasive treatment for skin laxity and sagging that uses light based therapy to activate the body’s natural healing processes to firm and tighten the skin. This quick and convenient treatment provides firmer, more youthful looking skin and a smoother, more even complexion.
ProFractional™ Laser Therapy
ProFractional™ Laser Therapy is a resurfacing treatment that creates thousands of microchannels in the skin, prompting the surrounding tissue to initiate a rapid wound healing response. This triggered healing improves the look of sun-damaged, acne-scarred skin, and helps smooth out wrinkles and fine lines.
Laser Peel | Contour TRL
Contour TRL treats deep wrinkles, scarring, pigmentation, and irregularities in tone and texture by safely removing a layer of skin to a depth determined by the practitioner. The laser stimulates growth of new collagen and healthy cells, improving skin thickness and giving the skin a younger, rejuvenated appearance.
Rejuvapen® is a medical-grade micro-needling device that stimulates collagen production and the skin’s natural ability to repair itself with healthy skin cells. This new collagen production and tissue repair process can reverse years of sun damage and improve the appearance of acne scars, stretch marks, and hyper-pigmentation.
VI Peel
Formulated with a unique blend of minerals, salicylic acid, vitamin C, phenol, retinoic acid and TCA, the Vi peel reduces acne, acne scars, rosacea, melasma, sun damage and hyperpigmentation. Vi peel causes the skin’s top layer to peel off, stimulating new tissue growth and revealing glowing, healthy skin.
Diamond Glow
The DiamondGlow™ device is a dermabrasion device that gently removes the top layer of skin and delivers topical intensive serums into the skin. The Diamond tip wand exfoliates to reveal fresh radiant skin, extracts congested areas, then infuses the skin with professional-grade serums, stimulating new cell growth. Skin immediately looks clearer, brighter, and smoother. Patients can resume normal activities immediately, making it a great lunch time treatment option.
Jessner Peel
The Jessner Peel features a mix of alpha- and beta-hydroxy acids specifically formulated to dissolve hardened skin cells while simultaneously delivering a dose of hydration. Although all skin types can benefit, the Jessner Peel can specifically target severe acne, sun damage, and discoloration.
Ultherapy® is a non-surgical lifting alternative that provides tightening results like a subtle version of a facelift without the pain and downtime. Ultrasound energy penetrates into the deepest layers of skin to stimulate collagen production and tighten wrinkles and lines on the eyebrows, neck, chin, and along the chest.